Austria Removes Warning On Travel To Iran | Travel Network News

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2020

Austria Removes Warning On Travel To Iran

Austria Removes Warning On Travel To Iran

“Austria has downgraded its travel warning for Iran, repealing its advice against non-essential travels following a thorough reassessment,” Scholz wrote on his Twitter account. [@stefanfjscholz]
“We believe that the risk to Austrian nationals has changed,” he added.
“This decision will also further contribute to civil society contacts and commerce,” Scholz noted.

He also repealing its general advice against non-essential travels following a thorough reassessment of the security situation, Austria has downgraded travel warning to Iran,” Stefan Scholz announced on his Instagram page.
Earlier, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) announced that it has withdrawn its temporary recommendations to avoid flights over Iran.
“The Integrated EU Aviation Security Risk Assessment Group met on 28/01/2020 to assess the most recent information related to the safety and security of commercial air transport over Iran and Iraq,” EASA website reported.
It added: “As an outcome of this meeting, the temporary recommendations issued by the EASA and the EC Commission on 08/01/2020, recommending avoidance of all overflights of Iraq as a precautionary measure, and on 11/01/2020,  recommending avoidance of all overflights of Iran as a precautionary measure, have been withdrawn.”
“On the basis of the latest information, the Group reaffirmed the position stated in the current published Conflict Zone Information Bulletins (CZIB) for overflights of Iran and Iraq airspace.”

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