Travel Network News: 2020

Dienstag, 1. September 2020

Как объехать весь мир с детьми. 5 лайфхаков от путешественников

Как объехать весь мир с детьми. 5 лайфхаков от путешественников

Dienstag, 25. August 2020

KITF exhibition is postponed to April 14-16, 2021

We inform you that KITF exhibition is postponed to April 14-16, 2021.

With this letter, we inform you that by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the introduction of strict restrictive quarantine measures No. 44 of July 3, 2020, entertainment, sports events, exhibitions, forums, conferences and other events with a large crowd of people are prohibited.

Moreover, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan extended strict quarantine restrictions until August 17, 2020, and we all do not know whether new additional measures will be introduced to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

After negotiations with our key government and industry partners, despite the preparatory work throughout the current year, we are forced to make a decision to postpone the 20th Kazakhstan International exhibition "Tourism & Travel" KITF to April 14-16, 2021.

We believe that rescheduling the show to 2021 will enable us to deliver another strong edition, bringing the global tourism community together in Kazakhstan and providing a platform for the industry to meet, reconnect and set the agenda for the future cooperation.

The show will be held in accordance with the latest health & safety regulations and government guidance.

We wish you success and prosperity at this time that is not easy for the whole world, and most importantly, good health to you and your families.

Our team continues to work and support you, albeit remotely. We are sure that all together we will be able to overcome difficulties and we will have a brilliant event in 2021.

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2020

Austria Removes Warning On Travel To Iran

Austria Removes Warning On Travel To Iran

“Austria has downgraded its travel warning for Iran, repealing its advice against non-essential travels following a thorough reassessment,” Scholz wrote on his Twitter account. [@stefanfjscholz]
“We believe that the risk to Austrian nationals has changed,” he added.
“This decision will also further contribute to civil society contacts and commerce,” Scholz noted.

He also repealing its general advice against non-essential travels following a thorough reassessment of the security situation, Austria has downgraded travel warning to Iran,” Stefan Scholz announced on his Instagram page.
Earlier, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) announced that it has withdrawn its temporary recommendations to avoid flights over Iran.
“The Integrated EU Aviation Security Risk Assessment Group met on 28/01/2020 to assess the most recent information related to the safety and security of commercial air transport over Iran and Iraq,” EASA website reported.
It added: “As an outcome of this meeting, the temporary recommendations issued by the EASA and the EC Commission on 08/01/2020, recommending avoidance of all overflights of Iraq as a precautionary measure, and on 11/01/2020,  recommending avoidance of all overflights of Iran as a precautionary measure, have been withdrawn.”
“On the basis of the latest information, the Group reaffirmed the position stated in the current published Conflict Zone Information Bulletins (CZIB) for overflights of Iran and Iraq airspace.”

Dienstag, 4. Februar 2020

New regulations for the transport of animals from 1 January 2020 by Lufthansa

New regulations for the transport of animals from 1 January 2020 by Lufthansa

From 1 January 2020, the following animals will no longer be transported in the hold of Lufthansa flights (2):
  • Hares and rabbits
  • Dogs and cats of snub-nosed (brachycephalic) breeds.
Breeds of dog affected include (1/2):
  • Affenpinscher
  • Bulldog (all breeds with the exception of the American Bulldog)
  • Pugs (all breeds)
  • American Pit Bull Terrier
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • Boston Terrier
  • Boxer
  • Brussels Griffon
  • Bull Mastiff
  • Bull Terrier
  • Chow Chow
  • English Toy Spaniel
  • Japanese Chin
  • Japanese Spaniel
  • Lhaso Apso
  • Pekinese
  • Pit Bull
  • Shar Pei
  • Shih Tzu
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Breeds of cat affected include (1/2):
  • British Shorthair
  • Exotic Shorthair
  • Himalayan
  • Persian
  • Scottish Fold
(1) = The restrictions also apply to cross-breeds of the above-mentioned breeds
(2) = Existing, confirmed bookings scheduled for after 1 January 2020 remain valid.